第一階段 Introduction to CODE V for Image Forming Systems
This course covers the basics on modeling, analyzing, optimizing, and tolerancing image-forming optical systems using CODE V, including hands-on workshops. It assumes familiarity with optics concepts and terminology.
By the end of the week, you will be able to do the following:
- Model an optical system given its design parameters
- Evaluate the system to determine its quality
- Optimize the system to improve its quality
- Evaluate the manufacturability of the final design
Unit 1 |
- Getting started: A design study
Unit 2 |
Unit 3 |
- Optimization of lens performance
- Reflective optical systems
Unit 4 |
- Tolerancing an optical system
- Zoom and multi-configuration systems
Unit 5 |
- Non-spherical surfaces
- Afocal systems
- Macros and command mode
第二階段 Advanced Topics in CODE V?
This course will give current users of CODE V an opportunity to learn about and practice using a number of advanced topics and specialized techniques. You will learn how to solve current problems more effectively and discover new applications for CODE V in your work.
Seminar attendees will be CODE V users with varying interests and experience levels. Thus, a flexible, informal, and wide-ranging format will be used, which will include presentations on all topics, computer demonstrations, hands-on exercises, informal discussions, and workshops.
Unit 1 |
- Diffraction analysis
- Environmental analysis of optical systems
- Diffractive and binary optics
Unit 2 |
- Advanced optimization techniques
- Interferograms and the Alignment option
Unit 3 |
- Non-sequential surfaces
- Polarization analysis of optical systems
Unit 4 |
- Macro-PLUS? programming
- COM interface
Unit 5 |
- Tolerancing tools and techniques
- General Beam Propagation
第三階段 Designing Photonics Systems in CODE V?
This course covers the basics and some advanced concepts related to the modeling, analyzing, and tolerancing of photonics-related systems using CODE V. It assumes a familiarity with basic photonics and optics concepts and terminology.
Unit 1 |
- Basic concepts and terminology
- Photonics design study: Ball lens
Unit 2 |
- Performance Analysis
- Optimization of a photonics system
Unit 3 |
- Tolerancing a photonics system
- Polarization effects in photonics systems
Unit 4 |
- Photonics design examples
- Miscellaneous topics
第四階段 Illumination Design Using LightTools
This course is a practical introduction to LightTools for engineers and scientists who wish to model and analyze the interaction of light with opto-mechanical systems. It assumes some familiarity with optical concepts and terminology. The course will be taught using LightTools 8.0. The course is based on interactive examples of various illumination systems rather than lectures. This hands-on approach maximizes time spent using LightTools while incorporating key illumination concepts in their practical context. Workshop problems provide opportunity for additional practice.
The course will include how to:?
- Create an opto-mechanical system model within LightTools, with native geometry or imported from a CAD program
- Use Surface Properties to define the interaction of light with smooth, scattering, and complex surfaces
- Use Boolean operations to construct complex structures
- Set up an illumination system, including multiple sources and multiple receivers
- Understand, interpret, and manipulate the intensity and illuminance analyses
- Create photorealistic renderings of models to visualize the system performance
- Improve system performance by using LightTools optimization with its various merit functions
第五階段 COM Macro Programming in LightTools
This course provides a practical overview of LightTools COM Macro Programming. The course includes lectures, demonstrations, and hands-on computer workshop sessions. Familiarity with LightTools basic features is assumed.
The COM Macro Programming capability allows users to automate tasks within LightTools. The course will use Excel Visual Basic for Applications (VBA) to control LightTools. Basic programming experience is helpful, although proficiency in VBA is not necessary.
Topics covered in the course include:
COM Macro Programming
- Accessing LightTools via Excel's VBA COM interface
- LightTools JumpStart Macro Library
- Direct database access
Digital Projector Design and Analysis Using LightTools
Topics covered in this course include:
- LightTools Fundamentals:?
(Optional - Day 1)
- User Environment
- Coordinate Systems
- Creating/Importing Geometry
- Sources and Receivers
- Illumination Controls and Graphics
- Projector Technology Basics
- LCD Light Engines
- DMD Light Engines
- Arc Lamp Sources
- Receivers and Receiver Filtering
- Illumination Simulations
- ANSI and JBMMA Analysis
- Projector Modeling Macro
Backlight Design and Analysis Using LightTools
Topics covered in this course include:
- LightTools Fundamentals:?
(Optional - Day 1)
- User Environment
- Coordinate Systems
- Creating/Importing Geometry
- Sources and Receivers
- Illumination Controls and Graphics
- Backlight Basics
- Modeling Light Guides
- 3D Textures
- Scattering and Diffusers
- CCFL and LED Sources
- Backlight Utilities
- Receiver Analysis